Setting up ColdFusionΒΆ
There are 2 ways to setup ColdFusion supported by AUTOM8N
Using Tomcat
This is the simplest to setup. The downside is that this setup is not suited for a shared environment as the app server will be restarted for domain addition and removal etc.
Install the Lucee bundled with tomcat from
2. Register the backend with backend_name lucee_tomcat as type PROXY and path 8888 (this is default port for the above installer!)
/opt/nDeploy/scripts/ add PROXY railo_tomcat 8888
# Register template
/opt/nDeploy/scripts/ add root main PROXY 1001.j2 "ColdFusion"
Using Caucho resin
This is perfect for shared coldfusion hosting providers
Resin or Resin Pro is supported . Resin has a watchdog that helps to dynamically add/remove webapps without restart
Install resin or resin pro and deploy Lucee war to the ROOT context and add it as a servelet loaded by default in all webapps
1. Setup JAVA
root@cpanel1 [~]# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-javadoc.noarch java-1.8.0-openjdk-src.x86_64 java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64 java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64
root@cpanel1 [~]# java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_25"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b23, mixed mode)
2. Install Resin RPM
root@cpanel1 [~]# rpm -ivh
3. You will see resin running in ps output
root 3656 45.4 4.1 2513972 85136 pts/0 Sl 03:41 0:06 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- -Dresin.watc
resin 3708 67.8 6.5 2796608 135580 pts/0 Sl 03:41 0:06 \_ /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- -Dresin.
4. Stop resin and edit /etc/resin/
# For security, Resin can switch to a non-root user after binding to port 80
-- setuid_user : resin
-- setuid_group : resin
++ setuid_user : nobody
++ setuid_group : nobody
# Web-apps named with numeric suffixes, e.g. foo-10.0.war and can be browsed
# as /foo. When a new version of the web-app is deployed, Resin continues
# to route active session requests to the previous web-app version while
# new sessions go to the new version, so users will not be aware of the
# application upgrade.
webapp_multiversion_routing : true
# Arg passed directly to the JVM
jvm_args : -Xmx512m
jvm_mode : -server
# disable the quercus *.php mapping when using Apache for PHP
quercus_disable : true
# Enable remote admin (for remote CLI and for EC2 ext: triad discovery)
remote_admin_enable : true
# Enable /resin-admin web administration console
web_admin_enable : true
web_admin_host :
# Permit access to /resin-admin from non-local network ip-addresses
# web_admin_external : true
# Require HTTPS to access /resin-admin
# web_admin_ssl : true
# Enable Resin REST Admin
rest_admin_enable : true
5. Generate and setup the ADMINISTRATOR user login
root@cpanel1 [~]# resinctl generate-password --user ADMINISTRATOR
Enter password:
Verify password:
admin_user : ADMINISTRATOR
admin_password : {SSHA}R4irpW6LJiUtnnW4PAebEYXHhZLgy7w4
6. Set up permissions for nobody user
cd /var
root@cpanel1 [/var]# chown -R nobody:nobody resin
root@cpanel1 [/var]# chown -R root:root resin/watchdog-data
cd /var/resin
root@cpanel1 [/var/resin]# mkdir hosts
root@cpanel1 [/var/resin]# chown -R nobody:nobody hosts
7. Download and install Lucee
root@cpanel1 [/var/resin/webapp-jars]# wget
8. Edit file /etc/resin/app-default.xml
<servlet servlet-name="CFMLServlet" servlet-class="lucee.loader.servlet.CFMLServlet">
<description>lucee Web Directory directory</description>
<servlet servlet-name="AMFServlet" servlet-class="lucee.loader.servlet.AMFServlet">
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.cfm" servlet-name="CFMLServlet"/>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.cfml" servlet-name="CFMLServlet"/>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.cfc" servlet-name="CFMLServlet"/>
9. Set lucee server-context and web-context password
10. Register the lucee server as a PROXY backend
root@cpanel1 [~]# /opt/nDeploy/scripts/ add PROXY railo_resin 8080
# Register template
/opt/nDeploy/scripts/ add root main PROXY 1001.j2 "ColdFusion"